“Because eight minds are better than one”
Usually when someone refers to a mastermind group, he or she means a group of like-minded individuals who come together on a regular basis to help and support one another to grow their respective businesses.
The history of a mastermind group dates back to the beginning of time. Andrew Carnegie, one of the most famous leaders of industry of the late 19th and early 20th centuries, became one of the richest men in the world. He believed in the power of mastermind groups and often said participating in a mastermind group was an essential ingredient for his success.
One of the names we hear most often that is associated with a mastermind group is Napoleon Hill. While Hill did not invent the idea, he can certainly be given credit for promoting the concept of a mastermind alliance. Napoleon Hill was an American author, one of the first to write on the topic known today as personal development. In 1928, Hill published a study course called The Law of Success, based on his interviews (at the suggestion of Andrew Carnegie) over the course of 20 years with some of the country’s most successful men. One of the lessons contained within The Law of Success is…you guess it…a mastermind group. Nine years later, Hill continued to expound on the topic of the mastermind alliance in his best-selling classic, Think and Grow Rich.
Mastermind groups are a very powerful way to brainstorm, support, give and get advice from your peers. It’s like your very own board of advisors and a way to access entrepreneurial knowledge, skills and experience from a group of like-minded individuals.
I’m a big believer in Mastermind groups and have grown my business significantly because of them. As entrepreneurs we can become isolated in our own businesses, often spending more time working in our business rather than working on the business.
Mastermind groups, with the correct structure, allow you the accountability mechanisms to stretch yourself, create a vision and goals that give you the shivers, and stick to a plan to achieve those goals.
If you’ve ever considered joining a mastermind group, I would love to talk with you. You can check out my new program, The Big Profit Club to see if this might be something that speaks to you, and if it does, I would love to see if you and your business are a good fit.
The program starts, Thursday, November 14th, so give me a call today 207-653-6977 and let’s chat!
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